New Life Wood Vinegar

Pyrolysis Machinery

Pyrolysisis the chemical decomposition of condensed organic materials by heating in a reactor, largely in the absence of oxygen.  The New Life Pyrolysis machines mainly uses straw, branches, sawdust and other agricultural and forestry waste as raw material and, through high temperature and pressure, forms the raw materials into a variety of products.  Depending on the pyrolysis method, residence time, the temperature to which the biomass is exposed, and the characteristics of the biomass, varying proportions of gas, liquid and solid products can be produced.

The four main end products of pyrolysis include:

Biochar: Biochar is produced at low temperatures (less than 450°C) with a relatively slow heating rate.

Wood Vinegar:Bio oils are produced at an intermediate temperature and under relatively high heating rates and can be turned into wood vinegar.

Creosote: Creosote can also be produced from Bio oils

Electricity: Methane gas is produced at high temperatures (greater than 800°C) with rapid heating rates.  Methane can be collected and transformed into electricity.


1000 kg of dried wood biomass can produce 300-350 kg of biochar, 250-350 m³ of gas, 300-400 kg of wood vinegar and 40-60 kg of creosote.  Canada Resurgence's Pyrolysis IP tends to produce more biochar than any of the other products.


The pyrolysis process can generally be illustrated as follows: